ICT , Cyber Law and Computer Ethics

Answer these questions

a) What do you mean ICT? Write its important.

ICT is a technology that is used to collect store and process data into information and communication.
Its important are:

  • It is the major force for organization and managerial change.
  • It helps to studied in the context of how modern communication technologies affect society.

b) Write the uses of ICT.

It used for retrieving , presenting , communication and broadcasting information all over the world

c) What is cyber law? When was cyber law of Nepal passed in Nepal ?

The rules and regulations related to internet or cyber space is known  as cyber law.
Cyber law of Nepal passed in Nepal on 30th bhadra 2061 BS.

d) What is cyber crime ?

The crime related to computer system or cyber space is called cyber crime.

e) Write some illegal activities of cyber space ?

The illegal activities of cyber space are:
  • Fraud by using computer and internet.
  • Unauthorized access computer system and services.
  • Hacking the websites and secured system.
f) What is computer ethics ? Write any four commandments of computer ethics.

Computer ethics is a set of normal principals or code of conducts that regulate the use of computer systematically without making harm to others users.
Any four commandments of computer ethics are:

  • You should not use a computer to harm others people.
  • You should not use a computer to steal.
  • You should not snoop around in other people files.
  • You should not search the file or record of other people.



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