My Father
My father name is Peter Magar. He is 42 years old. He is a trekking guide. He goes to different mountain to climb. He is very hard working. He went to climb mountain for 1 week. On weekends, he takes us in dinner outside take us beautiful places to visit.
My father is fat. His hair is brown and black. His eye is small and red also. He always wear paint T Shirt because he loves to wear paint T Shirt . He is very kind and honest. He helps my mother in household sometimes. He cooks very tasty food . Someday he makes food and he will give to eat.

In conclusion, my father is a man like no other. He believed in me, protected me,shouted at me,strengthened at me, but most of all he loves me. There aren't enough words to describe about my father means to me and what an influence he still has on my life. It takes a special man to be a father and a Dad. We should always love your Dad. We should not hate him.
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